AMORC's Rosicrucian Monographs
Below is a brief description of what a AMORC students will learn during their future years of affiliation with AMORC.
These teachings are part of the Rosicrucian Monographs.
These are not the only subjects covered by the Rosicrucian system. The list contained here, which should be perceived as unofficial, is adapted from the Rosicrucian Home Study Lessons section of the Web version of the Mastery of Life published by the English Grand Lodge for the Americas.
[edit] AMORC Grade Structure
The AMORC grades, or as they called, Degrees, are arranged into four sections or groups:
Neophyte section - That is the basic section and includes three degrees.
Temple section – That is the intermediate section and includes eight degrees. After the year 2000, there was a reformation of the degrees, and their titles changed as well as the name of this section.
Illuminati section – That is the advanced section and includes four degrees. After the year 2000, their titles changed. For instance, the Illuminati section was split in three sections: The Illuminati proper section, including the 9th, 10th, and 11th degrees.
The Esoteric Hierarchy section, including the 12th degree as an introduction to a new entire new section called the Ordo Summum Bonum
Ordo Summun Bonun section - That section has a subsection entitled the Planes, which includes another set of nine degrees. The “Plane” degrees were created by HSL's son Ralph Maxwell Lewis (1904-1987), initiate name: Sar Validivar, during his period as AMORC Imperator (1939 to 1987). Those degrees are purely philosophical in nature and discuss the nature of the Cosmic and its Natural Laws.
[edit] Neophyte section
Like in ancient times, if a person wanted to study the great mysteries of the world, they would have to petition for admittance as a student and become a Neophyte. The Neophyte would be granted admittance to the Atrium, or reception chamber to the temple. In the Atrium the Neophyte would receive the preliminary instructions and beginning teachings, before they would be allowed entry into the temple. Following ancient times the Rosicrucian monographs are called Atrium lessons, and beginning Rosicrucian students are called Neophytes.
[edit] Introductory lessons
Presents basic Rosicrucian concepts that can be applied in practical ways. One of the first things the students will learn as a Neophyte is that they are a dual being. In addition to the student's five physical senses, the student also has a psychic sense. The exercises in these introductory lessons are designed to gradually awaken and develop the psychic faculty. The exercises allow the students to discover for themselves through direct experience how these principles work. Topics include:
Mystical Sounds
Spiritual Alchemy
Time and Space
Human and Cosmic Consciousness
Development of the Intuition
Introduction to: Human Aura, Telepathy, Metaphysical Healing
[edit] First Atrium
The first Atrium explores consciousness as the organizing principle of matter and explains the composition and structure of matter and its vibratory nature. You'll learn how the creative power of thought affects the material world. This power is demonstrated through exercises in the techniques of concentration, visualization, and mental creation. Topics include:
Composition and Structure of Matter
Power of Thought and Concentration
Mental Projection
Law of the Triangle
[edit] Second Atrium
The student's understanding of the connection between mind and matter will now be expanded to include the connection between the mind and the physical body. The second Atrium explores how the students' thoughts influence their health, the role of proper breathing in psychic development as well as health and vitality, and Rosicrucian healing techniques. As the students develop their body's psychic centres, the student will gradually awaken psychic faculties, such as the ability to perceive the aura. the student will also experience the mystical effect of sounds. Topics include:
Origin of Diseases
Influence of Thoughts on Health
Mystical Art of Breathing
Rosicrucian Healing Treatments
Perception of the Aura
Awakening the Psychic Consciousness
Mystical Sounds
[edit] Third Atrium
The Third Atrium moves beyond the physical body and the psychic faculties into the realm of the mystical. As the student become more attuned with the inner source of wisdom, they will become more receptive to the subtle inner prompting of intuition, inspiration and illumination. These lessons also explode the nature of Soul and spiritual evolution, reincarnation and karma, and the cycles of the soul. Topics include:
Free Will
Good and Evil
Intuition Inspiration and Illumination
The Great Religious Movements
The Nature of Soul
Purpose of our Spiritual Evolution
[edit] Temple section
Having completed the lessons of the Neophyte section, the student stands at an important milestone in progress along the mystical path. the student are now ready to enter the Temple. The studies in the Neophyte section established the foundation for the lessons of the Temple Degrees. The students have been introduced to the various elements of the Rosicrucian system and had the opportunity to practice many of the principles presented through simple experiments. Now the Temple Degrees will further develop these elements, providing additional depth and practical applications of the principles.
[edit] First Temple Degree (Zelator, later "Juniorius" and currently "Studiosus")
The First Temple Degree introduces the concept of polarity and its relationship to the subatomic world and its differing rates of vibration. It introduces the full spectrum of physical and non-physical manifestation. An understanding of these subjects gives the student an appreciation for the system and order of the universe, the interconnectedness of all nature and how everything is governed by natural law. Topics include:
Structure of Matter
Positive and Negative as Vibratory Polarities
Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetism and their Rosicrucian definition
Subatomic Particles
Material Alchemy
[edit] Second Temple Degree (Theoricus)
The Second Temple Degree explores the workings of the mind. Students will learn how to use various mental faculties to strengthen will, eliminate bad habits and establish good ones, tap into the levels of the subconscious, reason more effectively, and integrate principles of psychology and mysticism to achieve their personal goals. Topics include:
Cosmic Consciousness
Our Objective and Subjective Consciousness
Mental and Sensory Illusions
Imagination and Memory
Physical, Psychic, and Spiritual Influences on the Subconscious
Psychology and Mysticism
[edit] Third Temple Degree (Practicus)
The Third Temple Degree explores the meaning of life on many levels, including living and "non-living" matter, life on the cellular level, the mysteries of death and rebirth, and the eternal nature of the Soul. Topics Include:
Cosmic Purpose of Life
Vital Life Force and Reproduction
Cellular Life
Living and Non-Living Matter
Incarnation of the Soul
Transition of the Soul
Initiatic Aspects of Death
[edit] Fourth Temple Degree (Philosophus)
The Fourth Temple Degree introduces Rosicrucian ontology (the study of the nature of being), and lays out the cosmological framework for all creation. It explores the meaning, understanding and use of symbols as the language of the subconscious. Topics include:
Noumena and Phenomena
Natural Symbols
Artificial Symbols
Mystical Symbols
Sacred Architecture
Vital Life Fource and the Living Soul
Cycles of Life and the Constant States of Flux
[edit] Fifth Temple Degree (Adeptus Minor)
A mystic, by nature, is fundamentally a philosopher. In the Fifth Temple Degree, the student will study excerpts from the works of classical philosophers. The student's exploration of the ancient roots of Rosicrucian philosophy will demonstrate the timelessness of these principles. Thoughts of the following philosophers are presented:
[edit] Sixth Temple Degree (Adeptus Major)
The Sixth Temple Degree presents the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components of health and disease. You'll learn specific Rosicrucian healing techniques. Topics include:
Spiritual Dimension of Food
Breathing and Respitory Health
Composition of Blood
Cell Consciousness and Cellular Health
Rosicrucian Therapy and Self Healing
Druids and Fixes
Personal Treatment to Restore Psychic Equilibrium
Autonomic Nervous System
Physical and Mental Prevention of Disease
Emotional and Spiritual Prevention of Disease
[edit] Seventh Temple Degree (Adeptus Exemptus)
The exercises and experiments of all the previous Degrees have contributed to gradual development, providing the student with the necessary foundation for the advanced techniques of the Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Degrees. In the Seventh Degree, the students will learn how to accomplish psychic projection (Astral Projection), how to develop their personal aura and perceive other people's auras, and how to further develop psychic centres and perception. Students will also receive a thorough explanation of the physiological, psychic, and spiritual influence of specific mystical sounds. Topics include:
The Psychic Body (compare with: Subtle body and Astral body)
The Psychic Centres (compare with: Chakra)
Nature and Symbolism of Dreams
Psychic Projection (experiments) (compare with: Astral projection, out-of-body experience)
Perception of the Aura (experiments) (compare with: Clairvoyance)
Mystical Powers of Vowel Sounds and Mantras
[edit] Eighth Temple Degree (Magistericus Templicated)
The Eighth Temple Degree explores indepth the theme of immortality - the mysteries of birth and death, reincarnation and karma and the evolution of the soul personality. The goal is to learn the constituents of the human soul and how it evolves from incarnation to incarnation.
Topics include:
Universal Soul and Human Soul
Divine Consciousness and Self Consciousness
Spiritual Evolution of Humans
Mastery of Karma
Reincarnation of the Soul
How to Remember Past Incarnations (experiments) (See Reincarnation)
The Mystery of Birth and Death
Help to the Dying, Before and After Death
The work of the Adept
Psychic contact with the Great Intelligences
Psychic development using vocalic sounds (mantras)
[edit] Nineth Temple Degree (Magus)
To learn the high principles of spiritual alchemy deriving benefit from the student divine nature acting not only different levels of the human being but also in the visible and invisible environment. These practices are regarded as the alchemy of matter, consciousness and life.
The ninth degree is a long and careful ascent that gives the student every opportunity to put into practice what has been learned in the preceding temple degrees.
Among the topics covered are:
Macrocosm and Microcosm
The Four Principles: Earth, Water, Air, Fire
Symbolism of the Cross, Triangle, Square, Circle, Rose-Cross
Mental Alchemy
Experiments on Telepathy, Telekinesis, Vibroturgy, Radiesthesy, Invisibility, Attunement with the Cosmic Consciousness
The Triangle of Lights
The power of will
The Circles of Protection and Harmonization and the 3 planes of consciousness
The Cosmic Plane
Developing the cloud of invisibility and using the cosmic cloud and the Cosmic Spiral as the gateways to other realms
The Invisible Masters
The “Lost Word”
The Assumption of individualities and the Cosmic Assumption
[edit] Illuminati section
[edit] Tenth Temple Degree (Magus, later "Ipisissimus", currently "Illuminatus Minor")
To learn to walk on the path of the Masters. Introduction to the religious doctrines which the Masters gave birth to and understanding the beliefs that have been available to us for centuries and how humanity is evolving towards a Universal Religion and the student part on it.
Introduction to Zoroastrism
The Tibet
Ancient Mystery Schools of Atlantis, Egypt and Essenes
Introducing Master Moria-El
The RigVeda
The Great White Brotherhood* Exercises of Materialization
Psychic Projection (advanced)
The esoteric concept of Sin
The psychic senses
The ritual magic
The human Aura
The Pineal Gland and the 4th dimension
The nature of the electrons of spirit
Sufi mysticism
Psychic Harmonization
[edit] Eleventh Temple Degree (Illuminati, currently "Illuminatus Major")
To learn the student’s journey through the great traditions those have marked the spiritual history of humanity. This journey began in Atlantis and completed this phase through the Martinist movement in France in the 19th Century. It is also the threshold for admission to the Ordo Summun Bonum (the Order of Highest Good). Subjects:
The heritage of CRC
The Khunrah method
The Dark Night of the soul
The Gateway Keeper
The Regeneration
The Invisible Fraternity
The Rosicrucian Inner Circle
The Holy Spirit* The Mystical Egypt
The Cosmic Harmonization
The Cosmic Consciousness
Development of the Third Eye* The signs of the psychic development
The effects of the Cosmic Consciousness
The Cloak of Invisibility (advanced)
Esoteric foundation of the religions
Esoteric teachings of Jesus
The Christus* Programming the next incarnation
Esoteric formulae
Using the Water
The “Lost Word”
Contacting the Invisible Masters
The Rosicrucian Hierarchy
[edit] Twelfth Temple Degree (Illuminati, later "Esoteric Hierarchy", currently "Illuminatus Exemptus")
Those who have attained the Esoteric Hierarchy become, in fact, intermediaries between the Cosmic and the Imperator (…) placed in a position to periodically commune with the Cosmic and receives inspiration and illumination which one should pass to the Imperator for what he may make of the knowledge of the Order.
To learn how to contact the sacred Esoteric Hierarchy to serve the Order as described above. Also to learn how to develop the Body of Light to be used to attain high states of divine communion.
Christian Rosenkreuz and the Rosicrucian teachings
Contact with the Masters (El Morya, Danius, Saint Germain)
Esoteric Hierarchy
Celestial Hierarchy
Mystical Silence
Cosmic Consciousness* The fundamental note or vibration tone
Cosmic Harmonization techniques
Planetary influences (Moon cycles, Sun cycles and the planets)
The Cosmic counter part
The Vibration spectrum
Rosicrucian Ethics
Alchemy of Water (Cagliostro)
Benefits of the Cosmic Harmonization (regeneration)
Master’s chambers
Alchemy of Fire
Cosmic Harmonization techniques
Astral projection
Principles of Cosmic Harmonization
Psychic currents
Assumption technique and its applications (distance healing)
Rosicrucian Manuscripts (Michael Maier and the Libber H)
Esoteric Principles
The Dark Night of the Soul and the Golden Dawn
Astrology* External influences
Procedure to recall past life experiences
Development of the Inner Voice
The Rosicrucian Method
Using the Cosmic Forces
The mystic life of Harvey Spencer Lewis
The Templars
Cagliostro and the Rose Cross
Developing the Body of Light (New)
[edit] Ordo Summun Bonum section
[edit] Thirteenth Temple Degree (Ordo Summun Bonum) (New)
This section is considered by AMORC as a totally separate Order, but the student automatically starts to receive the monographs related to that degree or section as soon as they finished receiving the previous degree (the 12th).
That section was conceived to go more in depth into philosophical questions about the deity, the Laws of Nature, moral and ethics applying the Summun Bonum principle; the principle of a common understanding of the basic experiences of human life. Each Plane represents a group of certain principles and experiences of life, which jointly, the student needs to study and understand.
[edit] Plane 1 to 9 Degrees
Metaphysical lectures related to the Rosicrucian ethics and how to achieve the summum bonum.
Source :

If a ticket on which no reservation of a seat or berth has been made is presented for cancellation within three hours after the actual departure of the train for which the ticket is issued or for any ticket valid for the whole day, within three hours after the actual departure of the last train of the day for the destination station, refund of fare shall be made on every such ticket after deducting Rs. 10/- per passenger as clerkage. |
(1) Subject to the provision of these rules, if a ticket on which reservation of a seat or berth has been made, is presented for cancellation, refund of fare shall be made after deducting cancellation charge from the fare as follows : (a) If a ticket is presented for cancellation more than 24 hours before the scheduled departure of the train cancellation charge shall be deducted at the flat rate of Rs. 70/- for A.C First Class/Executive Class, Rs. 60/- for A.C. 2 Tier sleeper class/ A.C. 3 Tier sleeper class/ First class/A.C Chair Car, Rs. 40/- for Sleeper class and Rs. 20/- for Second class. (b) If the ticket is presented for cancellation within 24 hours and up to four hours before the scheduled departure of the train, cancellation charges shall be 25% of the fare subject to the min. flat rate mentioned in clause (a). (c) If the ticket is presented for cancellation within four hours before the scheduled departure of the train and up to :
Provided that for night train leaving between 21:00 hours and 06:00 hours (actual departures), refunds shall be admissible at the station within the time limit specified above or within four hours after the opening of reservation office, whichever is later. (2) No refunds shall be granted at the station if the ticket is surrendered for cancellation after the expiry of the period mentioned under clause (c) of sub rule (1). Note: (1) In the case of tickets issued for travel from some other stations refunds shall be admissible at the ticket issuing station provided that the ticket is surrendered before the schedule departure of the train from the station from where the ticket is valid. (2) On a party/family ticket issued for more than one person, where some persons have confirmed reservations and others are on waiting list, full refund less clerkage charges is admissible for confirmed passengers provided that the entire ticket is surrendered for cancellation at the journey commencing station within four hours before the scheduled departure of the train and up to three hours after actual departure of the train. |
(1A) Subject to provisions of subrule (2), no cancellation charges shall be payable if a wait-listed or RAC ticket is presented for cancellation up to : (i) Three hours, when the ticket is for a destination station up to 200 KM. (ii) Six hours, when the ticket is for a destination station of more than 200 KM but up to 500 KM., and (iii) Twelve hours , when the ticket is for a destination station of more than 500 KM., after the actual departure of the train except for a deduction of a clerkage charge of Rs. 20/- per passenger. Provided that for night train leaving between 21:00 hours and 06:00 hours (actual departures), refunds shall be admissible at the station within the time limit specified above or within four hours of opening of the reservation office, whichever is later. (2A) Where confirmed reservation has been provided to RAC or wait-listed ticket holder at any time up to the final preparation of reservation chart, such ticket shall be treated as a reserved ticket and cancellation charges shall be payable in accordance with rules mentioned above. |
With effect from 1st March 2000, when an unused ticket involving more than one journey is surrendered for cancellation, the entire ticket shall be treated as one single journey ticket and refund of fare of entire ticket shall be granted as per rules (1) and (2) above, according to the reservation status of the first lap of journey, i.e. if reservation status of first lap of journey is confirmed, refund shall be granted in accordance with the rule (1) and (2) above and if the reservation status of first lap of journey is RAC/Wait-list, refund shall be granted in accordance with the rule (1A) and (2A) above. The cancellation charges or clerkage charge as the case may be, shall be levied only once on the entire amount of the ticket, irrespective of the reservation status of different laps of journey, and not separately for each lap of journey. |
For partially used tickets where a passenger terminates his journey enroute, a ticket deposit receipt shall be issued by the station master and the ticket holder may apply for refund to the chief commercial manager (Refunds) of the concerned railway. |
No cancellation charge or clerkage shall be levied and full fare shall be refundable to all passengers holding Reserved, RAC, and Waitlisted tickets, if the journey is not undertaken due to late running of the train by more than 3 hours of the scheduled departure of the train from the journey commencing station provided that the ticket is surrendered upto the maximum time limits prescribed in clause (c) of sub-rule (1) of rule 6 .Which is given below: Full refund will be permitted even after the departure of train in the event of train running more than 3 hours late and that the time limits will be up to 3 hours if the distance of the ticket is up to 200Kms., up to 6 hours if the distance of the ticket is 201-500 Kms. and up to 12 hours after the departure of the train if the distance of the ticket is more than 500 Kms. |
Full refund of fares shall be granted in case the railway administration is not able to provide accommodation for any reason whatsoever to passengers holding reserved tickets, provided such tickets are cancelled within three hours of the actual departure of the trains. In case a train is cancelled due to accidents, breaches or floods, the full refund of fare is granted within three days excluding the scheduled day of departure of the train. |
When the air-conditioning has not worked for a portion of the journey, the ref und for such portion of the journey is granted at the destination of the train on production of a certificate of the conductor /guard , if the ticket is presented within twenty hours of the arrival of the train as follows:
If a ticket holder of higher class is made to travel in a lower class for want of accommodation in the class for which the ticket was issued, refund of difference between the fare paid and fare payable shall be granted at the destination station or the originating station as the case may be. The refund at the destination shall be granted only on the production of a certificate from the conductor/.guard/TTE and the ticket is presented within 2days of the date of issue of the certificate (excluding date of issue) of the arrival of the train at your destination To claim this refund passenger will have to submit ticket along with the certificate issued by te Traveling Ticket Examiner. |
No refund is permissible against lost/misplaced tickets. However passenger will be allowed to travel on the reservation already made on confirmed one or RAC .If the loss of confirmed/RAC ticket is reported before the preparation of the reservation chart, duplicate ticket will be issued on the collection of the clerkage charge per passenger. If the loss of confirmed/RAC ticket is reported after the preparation of the reservation chart, duplicate ticket will be issued on the collection of the 50% of the fare . No duplicate ticket will be issued after the preparation of reservation chart in case of RAC ticket . Loss of tickets be reported to railways immediately to prevent fraudulent refunds on lost tickets. |
Duplicate ticket can be issued only in case of torn/mutilated confirmed/RAC tickets. The duplicate ticket can be issued against torn/mutilated ticket if it is reported to the railway and the passenger can travel on the accommodation reserved by him, by making payment and getting a duplicate ticket as per following table : A) Before the chart preparation Under this rule the duplicate ticket (in lieu of lost/misplaced/torn/mutilated/reserved/RAC tickets) will be issued before the preparation of the reservation chart, duplicate ticket will be issued on the collection of the clerkage charge per passenger.If the loss of confirmed/RAC ticket is reported after the preparation of the reservation chart, duplicate ticket will be issued on the collection of the 50% of the fare Refund on torn/mutilated ticket is admissible on torn/mutilated if its genuineness and authenticity are verified on the basis of of particulars visible on the face of such ticket .subject to the deduction of cancellation charges as per rules, provided that the authenticity of such a ticket is verified at the station on the basis of particulars visible on the face of ticket. NOTE : 1) No duplicate ticket against lost RAC ticket is permitted after the chart preparation. 2) No duplicate ticket is issued against Wait List lost/torn/mutilated tickets. |
If lost tickets are traced and presented along with the duplicate ticket before the departure of the train, refund is permitted for the duplicate ticket after deduction of 5% of the charges paid subject to a min. of Rs. 20/-. Thereafter, original ticket becomes valid for travel as well as refunds. |
Tickets purchased on credit cards can be cancelled and Credit Slip obtained only at such Railway Stations where Credit Card counters exist. If you need to cancel your tickets at other stations, where such counters are not available, please cancel your reservation and obtain a Ticket Deposit Receipt. You can then apply to Chief Commercial Manager (Refunds) of the zone, to which the Ticket Deposit Receipt - issuing station belongs. |
1) A flat refund of 25% of total fare charged on the ticket, excluding Tatkal charges may be granted on cancellation of confirmed Tatkal tickets which are presented for cancellation upto 24hrs before the schedule departure of train. Thereafter, no refund will be granted on cancellation of confirmed Tatkal ticket except under the conditions prescribed below 2) Full refund of fare and Tatkal Charges will be granted on the tickets booked under this scheme in the following circumstances:
'SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.
We've evolved over millions of years to sense the world around us. When we encounter something, someone or some place, we use our five natural senses to perceive information about it; that information helps us make decisions and chose the right actions to take. But arguably the most useful information that can help us make the right decision is not naturally perceivable with our five senses, namely the data, information and knowledge that mankind has accumulated about everything and which is increasingly all available online. Although the miniaturization of computing devices allows us to carry computers in our pockets, keeping us continually connected to the digital world, there is no link between our digital devices and our interactions with the physical world. Information is confined traditionally on paper or digitally on a screen. SixthSense bridges this gap, bringing intangible, digital information out into the tangible world, and allowing us to interact with this information via natural hand gestures. ‘SixthSense’ frees information from its confines by seamlessly integrating it with reality, and thus making the entire world your computer.
The SixthSense prototype is comprised of a pocket projector, a mirror and a camera. The hardware components are coupled in a pendant like mobile wearable device. Both the projector and the camera are connected to the mobile computing device in the user’s pocket. The projector projects visual information enabling surfaces, walls and physical objects around us to be used as interfaces; while the camera recognizes and tracks user's hand gestures and physical objects using computer-vision based techniques. The software program processes the video stream data captured by the camera and tracks the locations of the colored markers (visual tracking fiducials) at the tip of the user’s fingers using simple computer-vision techniques. The movements and arrangements of these fiducials are interpreted into gestures that act as interaction instructions for the projected application interfaces. The maximum number of tracked fingers is only constrained by the number of unique fiducials, thus SixthSense also supports multi-touch and multi-user interaction.
The SixthSense prototype implements several applications that demonstrate the usefulness, viability and flexibility of the system. The map application lets the user navigate a map displayed on a nearby surface using hand gestures, similar to gestures supported by Multi-Touch based systems, letting the user zoom in, zoom out or pan using intuitive hand movements. The drawing application lets the user draw on any surface by tracking the fingertip movements of the user’s index finger. SixthSense also recognizes user’s freehand gestures (postures). For example, the SixthSense system implements a gestural camera that takes photos of the scene the user is looking at by detecting the ‘framing’ gesture. The user can stop by any surface or wall and flick through the photos he/she has taken. SixthSense also lets the user draw icons or symbols in the air using the movement of the index finger and recognizes those symbols as interaction instructions. For example, drawing a magnifying glass symbol takes the user to the map application or drawing an ‘@’ symbol lets the user check his mail. The SixthSense system also augments physical objects the user is interacting with by projecting more information about these objects projected on them. For example, a newspaper can show live video news or dynamic information can be provided on a regular piece of paper. The gesture of drawing a circle on the user’s wrist projects an analog watch.
The current prototype system costs approximate $350 to build.
Improve Your Health
You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings.
To open yourself up and become a powerful magnet to wellness and health from wherever you are now:
Love yourself! Deeply, profoundly! Make lists of all the wonderful things about you. Add to it every day.
Free yourself of any past resentments or disappointments you may be holding about you.
Let go of any and all resentments from the past you may be holding of everyone and everything.
See yourself as completely well in your mind and visualize yourself doing things in a complete state of perfect health.
Do not speak of your illness, or disease with others.
Love and appreciate everything and everyone, and especially yourself.
Know you have the power within you to heal yourself.
Never criticize or blame yourself or anyone else for anything.
Be grateful for the wellbeing that is coming to you.
See yourself as only well.
Be happy, knowing that in your state of happiness your body is healing itself.
As you appreciate, as you love, as you are happy, as you are grateful, you are summoning wellbeing and it is pouring through your body and disease is vanishing in the moment.
Laugh! Hire funny movies or recall any memories that make you laugh. Laugh your way back to health.
Make lists every day of all the things you are grateful for, including being grateful for your healing and complete wellbeing.
You must do whatever you can to remove your attention from disease.
Distract yourself from thoughts of disease, and put all of your focus and attention on doing things that make you feel good.
Make your happiness the number one thing in your life.
Resist nothing, love everything!
Know that there is no such thing as incurable.
As you love completely and feel the joy within you, disease cannot exist.
Know and accept that you are perfect as you are right now.
You can completely transform any relationship, no matter what it's like right now.
Every single relationship you have is a reflection of how you feel inside about you. You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings. Every relationship you have and every interaction with every person, is a reflection of your own thoughts and feelings in that very moment.
To transform every single relationship you have in your life:
Fall in love with YOU!
Make lists of hundreds and hundreds of wonderful things about you. Keep adding to it every day.
Know that you are perfect. Do not think any negative thoughts about you.
Know that you are worthy and deserving of anything and everything you could possibly want in your life.
Focus on the wonderful things in every person. Look for only those things.
Do not blame or criticize anybody, ever.
Set an intention that you are going to see the best in everything and everyone.
Make your happiness the number one thing in your life. Happiness is an inside job.
Free yourself of the responsibility of trying to make other people happy. Respect and love them enough to allow them to take care of their own happiness.
Get your attention off those things in others that don't make you feel good.
Appreciate and love yourself in every moment you can.
Do not expect others to behave in a way you want, so you will be happy. Release yourself forevermore and know that you alone control your happiness and it is a choice, no matter what anyone else is doing.
Love and respect yourself completely.
Know that you are perfect right now.
Money is magnetic energy. You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings.
To become a powerful money magnet:
Be clear about the amount of money you want to receive. State it and intend it! Don't think about how much you can earn, but how much you want to receive.
Fall in love with money. Most people do not love money, because they always feel that they don't have enough of it.
Visualize and imagine yourself spending all the money you want, as though you have it already.
Speak, act, and think from the mindset of being wealthy now. Eliminate thoughts and words of lack such as "I can't afford it", "It is too expensive".
Do not speak or think of the lack of money for a single second.
Be grateful for the money you have. Appreciate it as you touch it.
Make lists of all the things you will buy with an abundance of money.
Do whatever it takes for you to feel wealthy.
Affirm to yourself every day that you have an abundance of money, and that it comes to you effortlessly.
Appreciate all the riches around you, including the riches of others. Look for wealth wherever you go, and appreciate it.
Be certain that money is coming to you.
Love yourself and know that you are deserving and worthy of an abundance of money.
Remind yourself everyday that you are a money magnet, and ask yourself often during the day, am I attracting money now or pushing it away with my thoughts?
Always, always pay yourself first from your wage, then pay your creditors. In that single act, you are telling the Universe that you are worthy and deserving of more.
Repeat over and over every day, "I am a money magnet and money comes to me effortlessly and easily."
Write out a check to yourself for the sum of money you would like to have and carry it in your wallet. Look at it often.
Do whatever it takes to feel good. The emotions of joy and happiness are powerful money magnets. Be happy now!
Love yourself!
Wealth is a mindset. Money is literally attracted to you or repelled from you. It's all about how you think.
Wealth is a mindset. Money is literally attracted to you or repelled from you. It's all about how you think.
Cancer fear over Coke and Pepsi
Dangerous food additives to avoid
Watch identifying code number of the nasty food additives that we should avoid eating or drinking. Artificial food preservatives, food colors and flavour enhancers, these are dangerous chemicals added to our food and are known to be linked to Hyperactivity, Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD), Asthma, Cancer and other medical conditions.
These are contained in Colas,Wines etc ...
330 & E330 | Citric Acid (NOT DANGEROUS naturally occurring e330 & 330 citric acid additive – can contain sulfites and mold, explained earlier in the article next to this table printable version link.) |
Source :
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Press Control and D together
Tips to Save your Wet Mobile Phone
- · Never switch it on until it is dry ( It may cause Short Circuit if you try to on it in wet Condition)
- · Remove the Battery and Sim Card
- · De-Assemble the phone to as much parts as you can and let it Dry (Minimum 12 hours. Leave it as long as you can)
- · Let the cell phone lie in a warm place (not direct sunlight) in a bed of clean cotton balls for six to 12 hours after it has been dried the first time.
- · Don't heat the battery or it could leak or explode.
- · Do not put the cell phone (or any electronic or metal-containing object) into the microwave.
Warning : Manufacturers of most cell phones place liquid damage indicator stickers that will change colors in the presence of a liquid inside their phones. This helps technicians know that you have dropped your phone in water, as most cell phone insurance coverage policies do not cover water damage.
8 Tips to make your Laptop Battery last longer
1. Turn off Wi-Fi and BlueTooth
2. Don't play computer games, music or DVD movies - Multimedia activities drain laptop batteries.
3. Disconnect all external device like PC Card modems, Firewire, USB devices and optical drives. Use the notebook touchpad instead of an external mouse.
4. Dim your screen brightness
5. Tweak Windows Power Options - Choose a Laptop power scheme that turns off the notebook monitor and hard disk after 10 minutes of inactivity.
6. Decrease or mute the Laptop Speaker Volume.
7. Turn off all scheduled tasks.
8.. Programs that are run from a CD or DVD can be copied to and run from the hard drive, which typically consumes less power than an optical drive.
The name Kengeri comes from the words Tengu coconut and Keri meaning place. The place is still surrounded by Coconut farms. The place has been ruled by a number of dynasties including Gangas, followed by Cholas. In 1050 AD, Chola king Rajendra Chola erected a Tamil inscription depicting details of grants made to Eshwara Temple at Kengeri.[1]The provinces of Kengeri and surrounding areas came under the control of Kings of Kukkalanadu, who had Kithnahally near Tavarekere as the capital and ruled Nelamangala, Ramanagaram, Bangalore south and Magadi taluks. After Hoysala ruler's regime, during the period of Vijayanagar Empire, Kengeri was vested with Yelahanka province administration. Later, when Maratha warrior Shahaji won Bangalore, Kengeri came under Shahaji's regime. During 1677 AD, King of Mysore Chikkadevaraja Wodeyar won Kengeri and was in the province of Mysore.
Tippu Sultan reportedly took shelter in Kengeri Fort while at war with the British. When the English captured Bangalore, the fort was reportedly destroyed to prevent its use. In the survey report prepared by Colonel McKenzie and Bakunin, after death of Tippu, there is mention about remains of Kengeri Fort. The area is now recognised as fort area (Kengeri kote).
During Tippu's reign, Kengeri was famous centre for sericulture industry. It is learnt that Tippu for the first time bought foreign knowledge of sericulture and encouraged people to cultivate and produce the same. In 1866, Signor de Vecchi, an Italian, noticing the then depressed condition of the silk industry made efforts with the help of the government for its revival. He also made some scientific study of silkworm rearing and causes for their degeneration. To remedy these defects, silkworm eggs were imported for the first time from Japan and were distributed among the people of the trade.
This brought about revolutionary changes. Finally, a steam factory for silk-filature was established at Kengeri with eight basins. Mostly female orphans from a private Bangalore convent were engaged in the work. The Kengeri Gurukula Vidya Peeta was founded in 1926 by freedom fighters and Gandhians like Dr C B Rama Rao, Swamy Vishwananda, T Ramachandra and K B Purushottam to motivate youngsters to do their bit for social causes.
When Mahatma Gandhi visited the Gurukula twice he guided the youngsters to visit villages and organise people to tackle socio-economic problems in these villages through collective efforts. A memorial building had been built at the premises to commemorate the visits of Mahatma Gandhi.
The Vidyapeeta, an NGO, runs an orphanage, a free residential school and a short-stay-home for underprivileged women hoping for early rehabilitation.
Kethohalli, is the site of the famous Ramohalli Dodda Alada Mara or big banyan tree. This village is at a distance of 8 km from the Bangalore-Mysore Highway (from Kumbalgodu) and is 25 km from Bangalore. The 400-year-old tree covers an area occupying over three acres. At the centre of the tree is a Muneshwara shrine. A jatra is held here during Chaitra Poornima which attracts a large number of people. On the way to the spot is a large water tank in the village and a Veerabhadra Temple of considerable antiquity. In recent years, several industries have come up in and around Kengeri.
[edit]Railway station
Kengeri Railway Station is on the Bangalore-Mysore rail route. Chamundi Express, Mysore-Tirupati Fast Passenger, Mysore-Chennai Express and Tuticorin-Mysore Express are the main train connections. The computerised passenger reservation system is in service. The station is served by the South Western Railways.
Bangalore City Junction Railway Station is to the north-east of Kengeri. Travelling south-west, Bidadi Railway Station is the nearest main station.
Kengeri Bus Station is the nearest bus terminal.BMTC now has constructed a modern traffic and transit management centre (TTMC) at the entrance of the town . This centre facilitates commuters to travel long distance journey with ease .
[edit]Satellite town
Kengeri Satellite Town was developed by Bangalore Development Authority over 30 years ago. However, it took a long time for the satellite town to develop. Cyber cafes, telephone booths, multi-cuisine restaurants and other utility services have come up in recent times. Namma Metro corridor will be extended up to Kengeri Satellite Town from Nayandahalli on Mysore Road. The Traffic Transit Management Centre (TTTMC) of the Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation is also being constructed here. It is also close to the Outer Ring Road and thus has good connectivity.
[edit]Places of worship
The place has some recently built modern temples like Sri Rama, Someshwara, Anjaneya, Yellamma, Ganapati among others. The Karadi Betta near Kengeri has an Anjaneya Temple of great antiquity. It is said that the image was found under a tree and the temple was built about 500 years ago. According to a record here, the temple was rebuilt in 1845.
Inside the garbhagriha, two inscription slabs carpeted into the floor, one behind and another in front of the main deity, are of Hoysala Narasimha. They announce some grants by the king to one Vechiyana for his military success.
There is a Bande Matha of the Veerashaivas said to be about 800 years old. It is said that the mutta was founded by one Channaveeraswamy who is believed to have been a contemporary of Bijjala, the most famous of the southern Kalachuri kings. The place also has one Kabir Mutta. There is also the famous Savan Durbar Ashram of Radhaswamy Satsang establshed by sant satguru Baba Somnath Ji which has a large number of followers. There is a samadhi on the outskirts of the town of a well-known Saint Madikeswami who is said to have lived in Bangalore for several decades.
Kengeri is located at
12.9°N 77.48°E[2]. It has an average elevation of 826 metres (2709 feet).

As of 2001 India census[3], Kengeri had a population of 42,386. Males constitute 52% of the population and females 48%. Kengeri has an average literacy rate of 75%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 79%, and female literacy is 70%. In Kengeri, 11% of the population is under 6 years of age.
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